Quakertown Branch of Bucks County Free Library Receives Grant to Repair Roof, Update Infrastructure
HARRISBURG – Rep. Craig Staats (R-Bucks) announced that the Bucks County Free Library in Quakertown has received a $492,837 grant from the Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority’s (PBDA) Multi-Purpose Community Facilities Program (MPCFP).

Grants from this program are available to community anchor institutions and units of local government to fund community projects that construct, acquire or improve facilities (shared office space, recreation centers, schools, libraries, etc.).

“I am very pleased to see the Bucks County Free Library in Quakertown receive this grant,” said Staats. “They received the full funding they asked for and it will allow them to fully fund their roof replacement project. I was proud to support this project for our library. I know these improvements will help make the library a place for everyone to enjoy.”

The MPCFP is funded pursuant to the Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund (Capital Projects Fund) established under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.

Representative Craig Staats
145th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Joe Szymanski
RepStaats.com / Facebook.com/RepStaats