Bucks County House Republican Delegation Responds to Governor’s Actions

Sep. 01, 2021 /

HARRISBURG: The Bucks County House Republican Caucus, comprised of Reps. Frank Farry (R-Langhorne), Wendi Thomas (R-Richboro), Meghan Schroeder (R-Warminster), Todd Polinchock (R-Warrington), Shelby Labs (R-Doylestown), KC Tomlinson (R-Bensalem), and Craig Staats (R-Quakertown), issued the following statement on Gov. Wolf’s mask mandate for all Pennsylvania schools:

Voting Rights Protection Act Clears House

Jun. 22, 2021 /

Voting Rights Protection Act Clears House

HARRISBURG -The House passed comprehensive election reform legislation, co-sponsored by Rep. Craig Staats (R-Bucks), which aims to improve election security and accessibility, and restore public confidence in Pennsylvania’s elections.

House State Government Committee to Mark End of Election Review Hearings

Apr. 20, 2021 /

WHAT: The House State Government Committee recently concluded its non-partisan and bi-partisan review of Pennsylvania’s election process and laws. Over the course of 10 hearings, the committee heard from more than 50 testifiers ranging from national election experts to county election officials, and from top Pennsylvania election officials to officials who oversee elections in other states. Pennsylvania was the only state to complete an inclusive review of its election laws and administration prior to moving legislation.

COVID vaccine distribution unfair

Mar. 15, 2021 /

Exactly how Pennsylvania determines the number of COVID-19 doses to send to each of its 67 counties remains an inscrutable mystery.

Southeast House and Senate Republicans announce additional vaccination sites coming to counties

Mar. 15, 2021 /

HARRISBURG-- The Southeast Pennsylvania Republican House and Senate delegation on March 12 applauded the Pennsylvania Health Department for taking steps to bring more vaccines to Bucks, Montgomery, Delaware and Chester counties by setting up new vaccination sites through their county governments or local health departments, and streamlining the appointment system.

Committee Advances Staats, Labs Upskirting Bill

Jan. 27, 2021 /

HARRISBURG - The House Judiciary Committee today advanced legislation, sponsored Bucks County Reps. Craig Staats and Shelby Labs, which takes aim at a form of child sexual abuse known as “upskirting” whereby an adult takes photos up the skirts of unsuspecting individuals and posts the images online.

House Committee Begins Hearings on Election Integrity

Jan. 25, 2021 /

HARRISBURG -The House State Government Committee held the first of 14 planned public hearings on election integrity last week at the state Capitol. The intent of the hearings is not to relitigate the 2020 election, but to enable the committee to take a closer look at election laws, processes and procedures to determine if legislative action is necessary.

Staats Reappointed to Key House Committees in New Session

Jan. 12, 2021 /

HARRISBURG - House Republican leaders announced committee assignments for the 2021-22 Legislative Session, reappointing Rep. Craig Staats (R-Bucks) to the Education, Finance, Liquor Control and State Government committees. Staats was also recently named a majority deputy whip in the new session.