Sep. 14, 2021 /
WHAT: Reps. Craig Staats (R-Bucks) and Chris Quinn (R-Delaware) will be joined by Bucks County District Attorney Matt Weintraub in unveiling a legislative package to better protect children in the Pennsylvania foster care and adoption system. The bills are crafted in honor of Grace Packer, who was murdered by her adoptive mother and her adoptive mother’s boyfriend in 2016.
Sep. 01, 2021 /
HARRISBURG: The Bucks County House Republican Caucus, comprised of Reps. Frank Farry (R-Langhorne), Wendi Thomas (R-Richboro), Meghan Schroeder (R-Warminster), Todd Polinchock (R-Warrington), Shelby Labs (R-Doylestown), KC Tomlinson (R-Bensalem), and Craig Staats (R-Quakertown), issued the following statement on Gov. Wolf’s mask mandate for all Pennsylvania schools:
Aug. 04, 2021 /
HARRISBURG – The Perkasie Towne Improvement Association has received a $50,000 Keystone Communities Program (KCP) grant to update the front of local business buildings, Rep. Craig Staats (R-Bucks) announced.
Jun. 25, 2021 /
HARRISBURG -With nearly one week to go before the state budget deadline, the House today passed a responsible budget that fully funds the core functions of state government with no new taxes or fee increases.
Jun. 22, 2021 /
HARRISBURG -The House passed comprehensive election reform legislation, co-sponsored by Rep. Craig Staats (R-Bucks), which aims to improve election security and accessibility, and restore public confidence in Pennsylvania’s elections.
May. 12, 2021 /
The Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Community Pride Award recognizes outstanding environmental stewardship by a business, individual, school, community organization or civic group that makes an outstanding commitment to litter control, recycling, beautification or general environmental stewardship.
Apr. 20, 2021 /
WHAT: The House State Government Committee recently concluded its non-partisan and bi-partisan review of Pennsylvania’s election process and laws. Over the course of 10 hearings, the committee heard from more than 50 testifiers ranging from national election experts to county election officials, and from top Pennsylvania election officials to officials who oversee elections in other states. Pennsylvania was the only state to complete an inclusive review of its election laws and administration prior to moving legislation.
Apr. 15, 2021 /
HARRISBURG—Bipartisan legislators from Bucks County have sent a letter to Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney seeking reimburse for suburban commuters who worked from home during the Pandemic.
Mar. 31, 2021 /
HARRISBURG – The PA Department of Health and legislative vaccine task force announced today that they will distribute the Johnson & Johnson vaccine directly to the Bucks County Department of Health.
Mar. 16, 2021 /
HARRISBURG - Today, the House passed legislation, sponsored by Bucks County Reps. Craig Staats and Shelby Labs, which takes aim at a form of child sexual abuse known as “upskirting” whereby an adult takes photos up the skirts of unsuspecting individuals and posts the images online.
Mar. 15, 2021 /
Exactly how Pennsylvania determines the number of COVID-19 doses to send to each of its 67 counties remains an inscrutable mystery.
Mar. 15, 2021 /
HARRISBURG-- The Southeast Pennsylvania Republican House and Senate delegation on March 12 applauded the Pennsylvania Health Department for taking steps to bring more vaccines to Bucks, Montgomery, Delaware and Chester counties by setting up new vaccination sites through their county governments or local health departments, and streamlining the appointment system.
Mar. 12, 2021 /
HARRUSBURG— The Southeast Pennsylvania Republican House and Senate delegation today applauded the Pennsylvania Health Department for taking steps to bring more vaccines to Bucks, Montgomery, Delaware and Chester counties by setting up new vaccination sites through their county governments or local health departments, and streamlining the appointment system.
Mar. 08, 2021 /
HARRISBURG—The Republican Southeast House delegation today demanded the administration give the responsibility and authority for allocating and distributing the COVID-19 vaccine to the Pennsylvania National Guard.
Mar. 04, 2021 /
HARRISURG—Republican legislators from Bucks County have introduced legislation to require COVID-19 vaccines be distributed to counties based on population.
Jan. 28, 2021 /
HARRISBURG - The Bucks County House Republican Caucus today announced that the House Health Committee will hold a hearing into COVID-19 vaccination distribution in Pennsylvania.
Jan. 27, 2021 /
HARRISBURG - The House Judiciary Committee today advanced legislation, sponsored Bucks County Reps. Craig Staats and Shelby Labs, which takes aim at a form of child sexual abuse known as “upskirting” whereby an adult takes photos up the skirts of unsuspecting individuals and posts the images online.
Jan. 25, 2021 /
HARRISBURG -The House State Government Committee held the first of 14 planned public hearings on election integrity last week at the state Capitol. The intent of the hearings is not to relitigate the 2020 election, but to enable the committee to take a closer look at election laws, processes and procedures to determine if legislative action is necessary.
Jan. 12, 2021 /
HARRISBURG - House Republican leaders announced committee assignments for the 2021-22 Legislative Session, reappointing Rep. Craig Staats (R-Bucks) to the Education, Finance, Liquor Control and State Government committees. Staats was also recently named a majority deputy whip in the new session.
Jan. 05, 2021 /
HARRISBURG --Today, Rep. Craig Staats (R-Bucks) took the oath of office and officially began his fourth term as a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.